About us
Naomi holds a PhD in micro-seismology and micro-tectonics. Naomi’s original training is in structural geology, her post-doctoral research focused on environmental geophysics. Naomi has 15+ years of experience in managing applied and multi-disciplinary geo-environmental projects. She was awarded three academic prizes for her PhD thesis and two academic prizes for her diploma thesis.
Founding Partner, Board Member & Managing Director
Lucien is a serial-entrepreneur and philanthropist. Engineer in nuclear physics, specialized in heat-exchanger systems and serial inventor whose expertise lies in identifying transformative technologies and making them a commercial success.
Founding Partner,
Board member &
Lead Inventor
Patrick has over 30 years of experience in the banking industry, advising and serving clients mainly in Switzerland. Between 2010 and 2019, he was CEO of BNP Paribas Corporate and Institutional Banking (CIB) in Switzerland. Under his leadership, BNP Paribas became a leading bank in the Swiss Market. Patrick brings with him a broad banking knowledge; a deep understanding of regulatory/governance matters and a large client network.
Board Member
Research consultant and expert for various government agencies and engineering companies since 1985, Pierre has been professor of hydrogeology at the University of Neuchâtel since 1999 with a strong focus on groundwater dynamics and transport processes. His scientific interests have led to the development of computational tools specific to hydro-thermo-chemical phenomena applied to environmental and hydrogeological engineering issues. He has also set up a mathematical modeling approach suitable for the analysis of closed-loop geothermal exploitation systems at large space and time scales.
Scientific Advisor Mathematical Modelling
M.Sc. (tech.) hydro, soil and rock engineering. Project designer and sales manager at AFRY, Guido brings more than 20 years of relevant and versatile experience in rock mechanics in tunneling and underground excavation big infrastructure projects. Since 2017, he is Member of the European Commission –DG- Joint Research Centre’s Expert Group for updating Eurocode 7 on Design of Underground Structures. Guido brings a deep experience for the successful design and implementation of large-scale underground facilities.
Industrial Advisor
Rock engineering
Daniel is an International oil and gas industry consultant and entrepreneur with 35 years of experience in opportunity valuation and strategic investment decisions. Daniel brings with him the experience of valuing and assessing the commerciality of multi billion dollars investments in energy related subsurface projects, as well as their optimized execution plans.
Industrial Advisor Oil & Gas Industry
Michaël brings twenty years of financial market experience from the investment banking and the corporate world. He was in charge of the financing and financial risk management for the Swiss Railways (SBB/CFF). He personally managed a 10 billion CHF debt portfolio and completed several +100 million financings for various assets. He is a member of the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT) and holds a Master degree in Banking & Finance from the University of St. Gallen (HSG).
Financial Advisor, Debt and Financing expert
André is professor of experimental physics at ETHZ has pioneered and successfully led the development of deep underground observatories for direct dark matter detection (CERN, Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory (Italy), Canfranc Underground Laboratory (Spain)). In 2015, he was elected as the co-spokesperson in the billion-dollar-scale project DUNE (Fermilab). André brings a sound experience with large-scale high-complexity international projects.
Scientific Advisor Large-scale high-complexity international projects
Stephanie is a Professional Chemical Engineer. In 2023, she completed an MBA at IMD Lausanne, Switzerland, where she received the Welshe Award for her commitment to sustainability, leadership, and care for others. From 2014 to 2022, Stephanie has worked as a process engineer in the Canadian O&G and renewable fuels industry, leading decarbonization technology development and project execution.
Director North America
Sophie initial background is in philosophy (M.Sc.). She is active in the training sector and more specifically interested in pedagogical models including e-learning, serious gaming and interactive storytelling, with a strong interest on the ethical issues raised by sustainable development and the transition to a more environmentally friendly society. She is bringing together these different topics in a doctoral thesis project at the University of Geneva.
Web and Graphic Designer
In February 2020, Seismo Earth received a grant from the Bern Economic Development Agency to support the training and operating costs of a master thesis in Mining Engineering of the Oulu Mining School. Vilde defended her master thesis in early November 2020 and was given the highest grade! Her research work was hosted by AFRY, Finland. It provides key input about the stability of EAPOSYS µ-tunnels excavation at heat depth over time and under pervasive heat extraction.
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