Geothermal tremendous untapped reserves
Our planet has a sun inside
AGS are closed-loop deep geothermal installations that tap into the largest planetary energy source: the heat of the Earth, stored anywhere in deep rock layers, just below our feet.
Unlike conventional hydrothermal or Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), AGS do not produce brines from a hydrothermal or engineered geothermal reservoir but instead circulate a working fluid through sealed boreholes to recover the heat from deep hot rock layers.
AGS are purely conductive systems: the power capacity of the installation depends directly on the length of the heat collection well(s) at depth.
Building upon recent development honed by the oil and gas drilling industry in directional drilling and magnetic ranging solutions for well intersection, it is possible today to build AGS radiator-like installations, circulating a working fluid in series of deep boreholes loops deployed between an injection and a production well.
EAPOSYS AGS delivers long-term energy in the form of heating and baseload electricity at the community level (a few MW thermal per installation unit).
The unique feature of EAPOSYS AGS lies in our patented service well that enables an incremental, butterfly-shaped deployment of the installation across the targeted heat depth sections.
Once the injection well (blue, for cold fluid distribution) and production well (pink, for hot fluid collection) have been completed, the horizontal well sections are drilled from the service well (dashed black) and connected to the injection/production wells to create EAPOLAPs heat recovery conduits linking together the injection and production wells in a circular closed loop.
EAPOSYS Patented Service Well USP
Incremental deployment
Butterfly-shaped geometry
EAPOSIM: E.AGS Simulation Software
EAPOSIM consists of an initial software kernel enabling rapid calculation of E.AGS installations energy output:
Physics based 3D modeling tools: A platform consisting of parallelized FORTRAN90 software in a computing environment with a set of parallel multiprocessor nodes. The model implements sets of polygonal lines with mutual thermal influences, along which a 3D source term approach is coupled to a 1D advective transport process in the conduit network. Numerical modelling is computing-intensive, simulation time can extend up to days.
Maple tool: Analytical resolution of 1D transport equations coupled to 2D-radial thermal exchanges, accounting for mutual influence of parallel conduits and loops.
Excel model: User friendly tool replicating (1) and (2) instantaneously, with an accuracy of a few tenths of degrees (for configurations with no thermal influences), compared with the Physics based 3D modelling approach mentioned above. The results are available almost instantaneously and allow for the rapid development of various usage scenarios and their associated configurations.
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